
Wednesday 24 March 2010

You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine...

Isn't it amazing how different your mood can be be with just a little glimpse of sun? I know that SAD is a recognised medical condition, but it's still one of the poor relations of illnesses. Along with stress, depression and sinus pain, it is scoffed at by happily healthy folks who think that those affected are just swinging the lead to get special priviledges.

Now, I'm not depressed, or suffering from SAD, but I'm more than happy to admit that a little sunshine makes my day that much brighter. Everything seems that little bit more more manageable, and possible suddenly becomes probable.

I'm most definitely a summer person. I love turning my face to the sun and feeling the warmth washing over me. I love wearing pretty airy dresses and skirts, painting my toenails and getting my sandals out. I like to put my heavy winter coats deep into the back of the cupboard, along with the fuzzy jammies and the fleecy robe.

England is slowly coming back to life after it's winter hibernation. Trees are greener, and thermometers are slowly climbing. Staring around my estate, I can see windows opened wide, making the most of the fresh spring breezes. There's a sense of optimism in the air that you can almost smell, and pedestrians have shrugged off their 'huddled against the cold and wind' posture to have put a spring in their step.

Today isn't that bright a day, but still, my internal sun is shining. I may be terrified of going back to work, but I logged into the blog today to discover that someone had nominated me for a sunshine award. Thank you Thea, it made my day and I've proudly stuck the pic at the top of the blog. Now according to the rules of the sunshine award, I have to nominate 12 blogs, but I don't actually follow 12 blogs. However, I'm happy to nominate those I do.

So without further ado my nominees are :

Pren over at Wilcox wizard wares, who runs the bestest Harry Potter Knitting swap ever - for sharing her knitting challenges with the world.

Jana over at again for sharing her crafting with everyone on the web.

My old friend Jenny because she's a working mum who always has a smile on her face and shares her ups and downs with everyone.

Gena Showalter - for all the lovely beefacakes, as well as the books

And the lovely Ari foor keeping me sane whilst poorly

Thanks guys!!

Now here are the instructions for accepting the award!

1. Place the logo within your blog or post.
2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within the post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.

I would have nominated Wisson's world of sport, but I don't think that H would find a 'sunshine' award manly enough for his testosterbot meanderings. It's well worth a view though, as his thoughts on travelling and people in general are really well written and very insightful

Right, must go beat the shawl into submission before lunch.
Keep on trucking folks

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